Has my generation killed ingenuity?

I’m taking a French class focused on the Renaissance. In class we debated whether the culture of the Renaissance or today’s had better thinkers, artists, mathematicians and scientists. A classmate argued that the art that emerged from the renaissance was amazing and some of the best the world has ever seen, and that the progresses in math and science were astounding for their time. I acknowledged that sure many of the pieces of art from the renaissance are masterworks and classics. However, in the past only nobles could focus and learn about the arts. Today almost anyone can become an artist. There are millions of talented artists from top selling musicians and painters to street artists who continuously expand the arts on a daily basis. Concerning science and math, algebra was a big deal when that was being reasoned out. Today 6th graders know algebra, and we’re the most educated generation to exist.

I think the problem with today’s ever expanding arts and sciences is its over saturation. We’ve come to the point where the frontier of a subject is highly specialized, and with so many of these specialized subjects, it is difficult for the “right” information to reach the “right” people to continue the advancement of these subjects. This is a concern with data organization that Vannevar Bush predicted.

Each generation that follows will raise the ceiling in all subjects. Some more than others. I think future wars will push us past our limits. My generation is a reflection of that. I won’t write a paper until the night before the deadline. Similarly war and the threat of death seem to create the proper motivation for the world to expand its capabilities. Most modern and advanced anythings were repurposed technologies or methods originally meant for war. Medicine, communication, travel, mass production methods and many more things all were built upon the ingenuity born from war. I think America leads in the development of science and tech because our culture is very focused on military. I’m pretty sure we spend more than the next 20 or so countries combined on defense. And interestingly enough we make the latest phones, computers, streaming devices, pioneered social networking and media sites, and we release the most art in forms of movies, televisions shows and music. I guess the future will tell what my generation is remembered for.


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